The IndependentServer has created a collaborative system made up of process serving agencies and software providers that enables you, the Licensed Process Server, to maintain all your records using one phone and storing them on your own DCA Compliant database!
•The ONLY System designed specifically for the Independent Process Server
•Developed by the leaders of the New York State Professional Process Servers Association ( and endorsed by its board as a compliant solution to the New York City DCA Digital record keeping requirements and the GPS requirements.
•Process Servers use one phone application to manage all their work -they can either download it directly from multiple licensed agency’s* or manually enter it from their user account**
•TheIndependentServer gives the power of choice to the subscriber.
•With one push of a button you can upload your mandated Digital Record requirements and your GPS requirements at the same time!
•Agency’s that sign up will have their Digital Records Requirement stored by DCA compliance standards for FREE!**
•There is no In-App purchase involved.
•All features of the app are free of cost.